Business Growth

Succesful Projects

Satisfied Customers

Loan Restructurings and New Financing Cases

G.P. Auditworld Ltd have been our adviser now for many years and we have built a very close working relationship. We feel this is key to us receiving proactive information for our institution.
Tryfonas Tryfonos, Honorary Counselor of Gambia

The service from G.P. Auditworld ltd has been excellent and is faultless. They give us the reassurance to know we are complying with the rules and regulations and if we have any queries, the team is brilliant at getting back to us and sorting it out.
Pavlos Michaelas, CEO Michaelas Group

I should like to thank G.P. Auditworld for their recent diligent work and for honoring the quoted fee. I am also amazed at the tax strategy you have implemented over the last year.
Eleni Papacharalabus, CEO Windoors PVC Systems

GP Auditworld has worked very closely with us over the years. Their advice and support has been invaluable and I often phone Yiannis to bounce off ideas or take his objective advice.
Vasilis Artemiou, Founder & CEO Seven Property Group

Beyond the day-to-day management of G.P. Auditworld’s accounts, G.P. Auditworld provide us with solid financial planning advice, effectively taking on the role of an in-house financial director, which to a practice of our size in invaluable.
Kyriaki Kyriakou, Operational Manager-Lazuli Apt
Κατώτατος Μισθός 2023 / Minimum Wage 2023
Αγαπητοί Πελάτες/Συνεργάτες Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσ
Έναρξη Λειτουργίας του Πληροφοριακού Συστήματος «Εργάνη»
Αγαπητοί μας πελάτες, Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε γι
Company’s Annual Return (HE32)-Changes
The Companies Law (Cap.113) has recently been amended to provide for the imposition of administrativ
Σχέδιο Προστασίας της Κύριας Κατοικίας («Σχέδιο Εστία»)
1. Βασικές αρχές του Σχεδίου Εστία Το Σχέδιο Εστία ή Σχέ
Cyprus changes its rules for passport for investment scheme
The Cyprus government introduced significant new economic & procedural changes to the Cyprus Ci
G.P. Auditworld Ltd Payment Alert 1/2019
Dear customers, Kindly be informed that all Cyprus registered companies irrespective of their year o
G.P. Auditworld Ltd Tax Alert 2/2019
Cyprus Commissioner of Taxation Clarifications – National Health Insurance System (NHIS) &n
G.P. Auditworld Ltd Tax Alert 1/2019
We would like to inform our clientele that in the year 2019 an increase in Social Insurance Fund Con
Tax Calendar 2019
Tax Due Dates By the end of next month Payment of PAYE deducted from employees’ emoluments
Tax Insider 2019
Dear friend, GP AuditWorld Ltd is an international audit, tax planning, corporate service and busine

George Pitziolis
(FCCA) Director
Mr. George Pitziolis graduated from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki Greece with a bachelor’s in business administration. He is a...

Yiannis Athanasiou
(CPA) Director
Mr. Yiannis Athanasiou graduated from the City University of New York – Zicklin School of Business with a bachelor’s in...

Constantinos Markou
Audit & Tax Department Manager
Graduated from the University of Nicosia in 2013. He became a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)...

Christina Chadjittoouli
Audit Manager
Mrs. Christina Chatzittoouli specializes in inshore companies and alongside with her accounting expertise, strategic leadership, communication skills and critical decisions...

Elena Miltiadous
Audit Manager
Mrs. Elena Miltiadous graduated from the European University of Cyprus with a degree of Accountancy. She worked for 15 years...

Theodora Giannopoulou
Miss Theodora Giannopoulou graduated in 2017 from the University of Essex, with bachelor’s degree of Accounting and Finance. She is...

Myranda Evangelides
Miss Miranda Evangelidou graduated in 2018 from the University of Nottingham with a bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting and Management....

Evgenia Savva
Miss Evgenia Savva graduated in 2016 from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a bachelor’s degree in Economics with a specialization...

Lefteris Alambritis
Mr. Lefteris Alambritis graduated from Newcastle University in 2020 with first-class honors for his bachelor’s in Accounting & Finance. He...

Elena Georgiou
Miss Elena Georgiou graduated in 2021 from University of Cyprus with a bachelor’s degree of Accounting & Finance with a...

Kelli Antonopoulou
Mrs Antonopoulou has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Kavala – Greece. Administration and Economics. She...

Anastasia Patera
Mrs Anastasia Patera graduated from St. George Lyceum in the Foreign Languages sector. The knowledge she acquired from her long-serving...

Eleni Patsia
Miss Eleni Patsia graduated from the University of Aegean with a bachelor degree in Statistics, Actuarial and Financing Mathematics. Moreover,...

Demetra Agapiou
Miss Demetra Agapiou graduated from the University of Cyprus with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in...

Chryso Paidonomou
Administration-AML Officer
Mrs Chryso Paidonomou graduated from North Tyneside College in 1997 with a BTCE Higher National Diploma in Business and Finance....